Our fingers have friction ridges these are what help us grab hold of objects without them slipping away. They also have another purpose, for CSI, that is to get fingerprints(Info :no two fingerprints are the same). If we touched some ink and then put our finger on a peice of paper we would see theses friction Ridges. There are alot of fingerprint patterns these are some of them:
The Arch ,The Loop ,The Whrorl
The history of fingerprinting started in 1880 by an english man named Henry Fauld. His system replaced body-measurement system called anthropometry. A couple of years years later another englishman named Francis published a very well known text book called 'fingerprints' were he talked about the different fingerprint patterns and hoe they were used to trace peoples identity. The use of fingerprinting has helped CSI to catch crimals for example a young boy had left his fibgerprint on a gun that was fired from the top of a school building thre is also James Earl Ray who left his finderprint on the weopan that he used to kill Martin Luther King.
Fingerprinting is the most important tool in CSI.
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